Togo is a founding member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), and having ratified the Marrakech Agreement in December 1994, it assumed all the obligations and commitments under the multilateral agreements of the Organization.
As a country which operates a liberalized trade regime under the World Trade Organization (WTO) regulations there was the need for a legal and institutional framework to protect its domestic trade and industry from unfair trade practices with it accompanying any unexpected surges in imports that could offset the gains to domestic trade and industry. This need culminated in the establishment of The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority - Togo (PPRA-TG) in 2012.
Prior to the establishment of the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority - Togo (PPRA-TG), the Minister for Trade and Industry directed the creation of the now-defunct Tariff Advisory Board (TAB) in 2015. The TAB then served as an advisory body on matters relating to trade contingency measures. Recommendations by the TAB had to be presented to the Minister who then forwarded the same to Parliament for legal backing.
TAB served as precursor to the establishment of the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority - Togo (PPRA-TG) by an Act of Parliament, Public Procurement Regulatory Authority - Togo (PPRA-TG) Act 926, 2016, to regulate Togo’s International Trade Architecture in conformity with the rules and regulations of the World Trade System and to provide for related matters.
The Public Procurement Regulatory Authority - Togo (PPRA-TG) is thus the legally competent authority in Togo to handle and investigate issues relating to trade contingency measures. The legal framework of the Authority is consistent with the relevant provisions contained in the Agreement on the Implementation of Article VI of GATG, 1994, referred to as the Antidumping Agreement; Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM Agreement); and the Agreement on Safeguards. The Commission also provides advice to the Minister for Trade and Industry on matters relating to Togo’s Trade and Industry Policy.
The Authority commenced operations fully in April 2016, when its Five-member Governing Board was inaugurated by the President of the Republic. The Commission has a Secretariat with departments/divisions. The Secretariat is headed by an Executive Secretary who serves as the Secretary to a Governing Board, whose members are referred to as Commissioners.
Customs Valuation (Dispute Settlement)
We settle disputes arising from classification, valuation, or origin determination by the Customs Division of Togo Revenue Authority.
Safeguard Measures
We provide measures that ensure domestic producers in Togo are not adversely affected by the influx of imports.
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
We provide measures to counteract the adverse effects of imported subsidized products.
We provide remedies to counteract the dumping of imported products onto the Togolese market.