PPRA-TG: Public Procurement Regulatory Authority - Togo
Immeuble Sanlam, Boulevard Gnassingbe Eyadema, 12484 Lome - Togo
Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00

About US

Public Procurement Regulatory Authority - Togo (PPRA-TG)follows the central purchase policy to save effort and money and controls the process of expenditure and purchase. Therefore, the Procurement Department has been established as a part of Logistics Directorate to implement the central purchase policy. Briefly, Procurement Department provides all requirements and services to the departments and divisions of the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority - Togo (PPRA-TG)either from local or foreign markets. The Procurement Department is divided into four sections-

  • Tenders and Auctions Section
  • Local Purchase Section
  • Foreign Purchase Section
  • Contracts Section

Core Objectives of the PPRA-TG

  • Economic Efficiency
  • Competition - Providing level playing ground for all strata of bidders
  • Value for money
  • Tranparency

Core Functions of the PPRA-TG

  • Supervise the implementation of established procurement policies;
  • Monitor the prices of tendered items and keep a national database of standard prices;
  • Publish the details of major contracts in the procurement journ
  • Publish paper and electronic editions of the procurement journal and maintain an archival system for the procurement journal;
  • Maintain a national database of the particulars and classification and categorisation of federal contractors and service providers;
  • Collate and maintain in an archival system, all federal procurement plans and information;
  • Undertake procurement research and surveys;
  • Organise training and development programmes for procurement professionals;
  • Periodically review the socio-economic effect of the policies on procurement and advise the Council accordingly;
  • Prepare and update standard bidding and contract documents;
  • Prevent fraudulent and unfair procurement and where necessary apply administrative sanctions;
  • Review the procurement and award of contract procedures of every entity to which the procurement act applies;